Shri Rang Ji Temple, Vrindavan

Shri Rang Ji Temple

This temple of Shri Rang Ji is the most special temple in Mathura, Vrindavan, This temple is located in Vrindavan in Mathura city of Uttar Pradesh state, which is built in the South Indian Dravid architectural style. When you enter this temple, you will feel that we have come to some South temple.

Who built Shri Rang Ji Temple Vrindavan

Shri Rang Ji Temple was built by a Jain businessman in the 18th century, it is said that his Guru belonged to the South and that is why he also built this temple in South Indian Shelley, shri rangnath (Lord Vishnu) is present in the temple of Shri Ramanuja sect.

Also Read :- Visit ISKCON Temple, Vrindavan

On every pillar of Shri Rang Ji Temple, you will see pictures of Hindu deities. It is said that this temple has seven doors and the seventh door of the temple is called Vaikuntha Darwaza, Apart from this, there is also a huge pillar in this temple which is called gold pillar.

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